Dobrodošli u Općinu Pićan!

Dobrodošli u Općinu Pićan!

Dragi mještani i posjetitelji,

Dok ste dolazili u našu općinu, zasigurno ste primijetili tabele dobrodošlice postavljene na ulaznim punktovima u Lukežima, Dolinama i kod mosta na rijeci Raši. Ako vam je vizual koji se nalazi na tabelama zagolicao znatiželju, na pravom ste mjestu.

Pićan je gradić legendi i već smo dugi niz godina posvećeni očuvanju nematerijalne kulturne baštine Pićna i Istre, što se očituje i kroz festival „Šćorice“ koji je posvećen pričanju priča, stoga ne iznenađuje da prvi element koji će vas dočekati pri dolasku u Pićan upravo je simbol iz naše najpoznatije legende o biskupu Niceforu i trnoplesarima.

Ako Vam spomenuta legenda nije poznata, dopustite nam da vam ispričamo jednu od zapisanih inačica…

Ovo je legenda koja seže u početke djelovanja Pićanske biskupije, točnije u 579. godinu, kada je sveti Nicefor bio prvi pićanski biskup. Pićanski biskupi su bili vrlo siromašni, tako da se govorilo da su morali jesti samo lješnjake jer drugo nisu imali. Kako je on bio već star, s njim je živjela njegova nećakinja s kojom je u hladne zimske dane lijegao u postelju kako bi se zajedno ugrijali. Pićanci, koji su rado ogovarali, su ga tužili papi da ima nećudoredne odnose sa svojom nećakinjom. Papa ga je odmah pozvao na raport u Akvileju, a u ono vrijeme se putovalo magarcem te se je jako namučio da stigne do tamo. Na svom putu izvodio je razna čuda, poput otvaranja izvora pitke vode. Kad je stigao u Akvileju smjestili su ga u priprostu sobicu gdje nije imao mjesta ni za objesiti biskupski plašt. Sunce je svjetlilo kroz prozor pa ga je on objesio na zraku sunca gdje je plašt ostao stajati. Kad je papa to vidio, kleknuo je pred njega utvrdivši da je krivo optužen. Nicefor je potom prokleo Pićance: „Pićanci, prokleti bili! Da biste zauvijek bosi po trnju plesali!“ i tako su dobili naziv trnoplesari. Legenda dalje govori da je već star i nemoćan biskup prije smrti ostavio oporuku da želi poslati svoju ruku balzamiranu Pićancima u znak da im je oprostio pa ona i dan danas stoji iza oltara svetih Moći u pićanskoj crkvi.

Više o kulturnoj baštini i povijesnim ličnostima Pićna možete pročitati i OVDJE, a za sve dodatne informacije uvijek se možete obratiti našim službenicima.

Dobrodošli u Općinu Pićan! 


Dear locals and visitors,

When you arrived to our municipality, you must have noticed the welcome signs placed at the entry points in Lukeži, Doline and near the bridge on the Raša River. If the visual on the signs intrigued your curiosity, you’re in the right place.

Pićan is a town of legends and for many years we have been dedicated to preserving the intangible cultural heritage of Pićan and Istria, which is also evident through the “Šcorice” festival, which is dedicated to storytelling, so it is not surprising that the first element that will greet you when you arrive in Pićan is a symbol from our most famous legend of Bishop Nicephorus and the Thorn Dancers.

If you are not familiar with the mentioned legend, let us tell you one of the recorded versions…

This is a legend that goes back to the beginnings of the Pićan Diocese, more precisely in the year 579, when Saint Nicephorus was the first Pićan bishop. The bishops of Pićan were very poor, so it was said that they had to eat only hazelnuts because they had nothing else. As he was already old, his niece lived with him, with whom he lay in bed on cold winter days so that they would warm together. The people of Pićan, who liked to gossip, accused him to the pope of having illicit relations with his niece. The Pope immediately called him to report to Aquileia, and in those days people traveled by donkey, and he struggled a lot to get there. On his way, he performed various miracles, such as opening a source of drinking water. When he arrived in Aquileia, they placed him in a simple little room where he didn’t even have room to hang the bishop’s mantle. The sun was shining through the window, so he hung it in the sunlight where the cloak remained. When the pope saw this, he knelt before him, finding that he was falsely accused. Nicephorus then cursed the people of Pićan: “Damn you! That you would forever dance barefoot on thorns!” and that’s how they got the name thorn dancers. The legend goes on to say that the already old and infirm bishop left a will before his death that he wanted to send his embalmed hand to the people of Pićan as a sign that he forgave them, so it still stands behind the altar of the Holy Powers in the church of Pićan.

You can read more about the cultural heritage and historical figures of Pićan HERE, and for any additional information you can always contact our staff.

Welcome to the Municipality of Pićan!